We're often asked - but why does it have a rating of SPF 15?
The easiest way to explain it is this - An SPF of 15 absorbs 93.3% of UVB rays, an SPF of 30 absorbs 96.7% of UVB rays and an SPF of 50 absorbs 98% of UVB rays.
Dr. Des Fernandes - the founder of Environ, believes that the amount of chemicals which you have to add to bring the SPF rating up to 30 or 50, in itself causes issues.
These chemicals absorb the rays and in doing so become free radicals and can be absorbed by the skin - which is exactly what you are trying to avoid.
RAD also contains the anti-oxidants Vitamin C, E and Betacarotene, which offer protection against the free radicals produced when the chemicals in RAD absorb the UV rays.